The Regatta may be Fisher’s event, but as always, the Vermin did very well this year.
The Wood ‘n Caulk on what may be its last voyage. We’ll see next year! Photo by Duncan rector Nhat Nguyen.All was good until the outrigger was broken while carrying the boat. Photo by Rector Eric Styles.Sarah Heiman, rector of Lyons, our sister hall, proudly carries the Vermin standard. Photo by Duncan rector Nhat Nguyen.The Vermin compete well on the new Black Plague. Photo by Duncan rector Nhat Nguyen.Between races Vermin carry the still unpainted “Black Plague,” Carroll’s newest boat. We won second place in the Regatta! Photo by Duncan rector Nhat Nguyen.Eric in friendly competition with O’Neil Hall rector Father Chris Rehagen, C.S.C. Photo by Duncan rector Nhat Nguyen.